From the Mouth of A Seventh-Grader

This opinion piece appeared in New York Newsday.

Give Us A Weekend Homework Break
By Maggie Rouder

I sit in school all day watching the clock, hoping for it to be 2:40. But why?

Once the bell rings and school is out, I have to go home and do my homework. Rewriting pages from a workbook or doing math examples on a topic we haven’t even learned yet frustrates me to no end.

After sitting for more than 6 1/2 hours listening to the drone of my teachers’ voices, why am I now expected to do even more work? And then there are the teachers who assign so much work that they don’t get a chance to go over it. They simply rush to the next lesson.

When is there time for us to just be kids? These days we are living a very structured life. From orthodontist appointments, tennis lessons, religion, team sports and other school activities, there is never any time for us just to curl up in front of the television and relax. Studies tell our parents that too much television and computer time is not good for us, but I can tell you that stress and an overloaded schedule are just as harmful for our mental and physical health.

Each day I feel as though I am in a race, hurrying to finish my homework, rushing to appointments and sitting down with my family for dinner. I end up going to sleep late and having a hard time waking up in the morning when I am expected to start the same routine all over again. That is why kids cherish the weekend so much. No worrying about getting up early, studying for tests and other school projects. Teachers and schoolwork should not intrude on our weekend. Students who are conscientious about their schoolwork and grades should be entitled to a little break over the weekend.

5 thoughts on “From the Mouth of A Seventh-Grader

  1. I really like what you wrote, and I definately agree with all that you said. I recently read an article about Homework Overload in Teen Vogue, and I am researching the topic to report on it in my school newspaper. I hope that maybe my article will have and influence in reducing homework. Thanks for taking your time to write this blog.


  2. “I sit in school all day watching the clock, hoping for it to be 2:40. But why?”
    Because you are spoiled and lazy.

    “doing math examples on a topic we haven’t even learned”

    This sounds like an issue involving a bad teacher, not homework. The idea of homework isn’t the problem; a teacher that doesn’t know how to properly assign homework is the problem.

    “And then there are the teachers who assign so much work that they don’t get a chance to go over it. They simply rush to the next lesson.”

    Read my earlier comment.

    “but I can tell you that stress and an overloaded schedule are just as harmful for our mental and physical health.”

    No one is making you do tennis lessons, and youth group, and school activities and etc. If you really want more time to be lazy and watch tv, then stop doing so many activities. Simple enough.

    “Teachers and schoolwork should not intrude on our weekend.”

    Why? So you can sit around and watch tv for 8 hours a day???


  3. I wholeheartedly agree that YOUR weekends and time outside of the school day should be just that, YOURS. Schools should not, through the guise of homework, be determining the time and worth or usurping the rights of an individual’s free time.


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