Teachers in England Will Soon Debate Motion to Abolish Homework

The Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) in England, a union which represents 160,000 teachers, will debate a motion at its annual conference next week calling for an end to homework for elementary school children and cutting back the amount for teenagers. According to The Telegraph, “The move comes amid growing fears that children are being increasingly stressed by too much work too young. Pupils in England are the most tested in the western world and it is claimed that exposure to academic study – coupled with a reduction in play – may harm children’s long-term development.”

5 thoughts on “Teachers in England Will Soon Debate Motion to Abolish Homework

  1. It’s there if you want it, if you don’t want to, don’t. What is the point of having homework and going all that way through school. It’s a long way to the end. That was the way it was when I went to school. It gave me the time to leave my family, and go to my room with my radio, and my encyclopedia’s to research my homework. No wonder I didn’t get the best grades, however no one complained and I managed to get through twelve grades without my mom homeschooling. Homework was my refuge.


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