Is Homework Ban the Beginning of a National Revolution?

Yesterday, the CBS Nightly News picked up the story of the homework ban at The Oak Knoll Elementary School in Menlo Park, California, and asked whether Oak Knoll is at the forefront of a homework revolution. I hope so. After a short ad, you can watch the story here.

294 thoughts on “Is Homework Ban the Beginning of a National Revolution?

  1. Could I just say… I hate homework, but if we don’t have homework we will not learn responsibility, and we need to have extra practice. Get off your lazy asses and do the work, in fact, homework can bring families together you sons of bitches. Stop complaining and pull your head out of your ass. Sure, there are some teachers who throw out busy work and excessive assignments, but a ban on homework? What the fuck!? Aren’t we all adults?! The cunt who wrote this book is a dumbass! Get A Fucking Life.


  2. I’m in middle school , all I wonder is why do we go to school all day … and then bring homework home ? WE JUST LEARNED IT . Do we really need piles of homework when we just learned it in class that day ? Doesnt make sense .


  3. Homework Is Terrible. I can’t even spend some time with my family.I have Like 10 pages of homework a day.I can’t even rest on weekends.In the vacation we also get tons of homework like how to make wooden . Wheel.When. I am I gonna need to make that! I hope homework gets banned now and forever


  4. homework is torture!!! technically homework should be banned since it’s given to us against out will, which is slavery, which is illegal


  5. It’s a Sunday. I’ve just started to do my homework. Then I realize how much I actually have. I have to write a paragraph about me in French-with proper conjugated imperfect verbs, a project in math, an essay in English, and essay in History, and a powerpoint about my childhood in French. If I did all the homework assigned to me everynight, I would be up until 11 at night. I need to relax at home after a 7 hour day at school. I need time to eat, and shower, and organize. There are, beleive it or not, things I want to do when I get home. I can’t take running around like a maniac all the time trying to get my homework done just to please my teachers for 5 seconds before they hand out more. On weekends my family likes to go places, I have laundry, and usually try to get my room clean before I mess it up the following week. It’s impossible to enjoy my weekends with all this homework hanging over me, I was not made to be under so much constant stress and extreme sleep loss. There’s no time to catch up and take a breather. I’m tired of teacher’s BS about school and homework. I don’t want to be a lawyer, or doctor, or executive. I want to do something I enjoy, like art or music or design. How can I build a life I’LL enjoy when I have no time??


  6. Homework is the bane of kid’s lives. When they come home, they want to have FUN. Not to do stupid homework. Homework is sent on vacation as well, which wrongfully deducts 50% of their time for itself. Vacation is a time to be unrestrained, not restrained by homework. But schools do not care what the children want. They only care about the wants of adults. Homework disregards the rights of children. Ban it. NOW.


  7. I’ve never considered homework an essential part of our lives.
    YOU GET 5 freaking days, and 7 HOURS to teach us all that homework “does”. Teachers get enough time to cover all these things in the CLASSroom and we shouldn’t be having to do ANYTHING at home. It puts stress on us, and then the teachers COMPLAIN that some didn’t do our homework when we were tired from yesterday’s school day already.
    It’s ridiculous and i’m sick of it. screw homework. Ban it for all i care. -_-; frikken a$$holes..


  8. I agree that homework should be banned, I am a student, and I find it difficult to finish my homework in 1 hour, this is because, I join 3 different sports club Netball, Swimming and Little Athletics, and I would go to my training or whatever and play/train for 2 hours, come home and have dinner and a shower and it would be 9:00 at night and I would have to stay up doing 3 HARD homework and having it due the next day, I want some free times on school days too, We work 6 hours or more at school to achieve in life or some people fail 😛
    Haha, but I totally agree. Homework shouldn’t just be banned in several countries, we have to listen to the teacher all day yes we have recess/break but thats less than an hour and we go back to work again, haha very funny, NOT! IT SHOULD BE BANNED ALL OVER THE WORLD


  9. Well, in response to “Bleh” and “Tiffanu”, I can see where their arguments are coming from. I understand that life may be tough with homework. I too am a student. I am currently studying medicine at Johns Hopkins University. Believe it or not, work after high school is far more time consuming and stressful, and your teachers are actually preparing you for the workload. In college, one has minimal influence over their assignment. A professor will not tell you if you are not doing any assignments, nor will he/she care if you are tired from the previous day’s classes. Your professors will not baby you. They will simply fail or pass you. And trust me, when I went to undergrad, my professors did not have time to go over all that was on the final exam. In college, the courses are so in-depth, the only way one can pass is if they do the extra assignments. Despite what you may think, the “stress” you are under now is nothing compared to what you will face if homework is banned (less practice and experience with material, less detail in which the assignment is reviewed, no way to indicate extra practice or help). Banning homework is probably one of the silliest and most detrimental actions that can be taken against today’s students


  10. Ah, the devilsadvocate is music to a teacher’s ears. As a parent who would like to see the end of homework, I certainly would never keep a student like you from it. Go for it. Fill your boots, you obviously love it. And being a doctor in training, you do need to work like that.

    But, kindergarten children do not. No one under the age of 12 needs to work like that. Children are not small adults and they do not need to get used to working like adults. They need to be children. If you had been my son at age 16 or 17, I would not have allowed you to do hours and hour of homework at the expense of a social life and healthy balanced life habits.
    The purpose of life is not only to slave at work and I am not interested in training my child to push everything else aside for the sake of work. I did it…it was a mistake that I didn’t recognize until I was 40.


  11. Alright, I have several questions regarding your stated arguments. “… music to a teacher’s ears”? Really? I have two questions about that. 1- Wouldn’t teachers be against the idea of mindless homework? Considering they have to take the time to assign, collect, grade, record, and handback 30+ assignments? Doesn’t sound like music to me… 2- Even if that were true, wouldn’t you trust those who teach and prepare your children for college? If you don’t trust them, aren’t you in a bit of a bind?
    Second, if you want to see the end of homework, wouldn’t you want to see me stop doing it? Isn’t that the nature of stopping homework? Or did you just say that you want to ban homework only for those who refuse to do it. Also, a student like me? What is a student like me? One who works hard and succeeds? I find it very unnerving that we are now categorizing me and my lifestyle based on my academic endeavors. I obviously love it? How is that obvious? Does every body builder love spinach? No, it just helps, we do it because it works. Just because I shut up and worked does not mean that I love it. Homework was hard on me, and I did not like it. But I took my medicine.
    “…work like that”? No student under 12 should have to work like that? Ok, I highly doubt that a 12 year old is spending 10+ hours on homework per night. No 12 year old can physically and consistently work for 20+ hours. I think you are over exaggerating a bit. That statement aside, I would like to explain the purpose behind homework, which I do believe I posted earlier on this site. From the day a child is born, they begin making habits. There are a number of ways to create habit. One of which is repetition. The purpose of homework in primary school is to create the habit of work. If that habit does not occur, a child’s higher education suffers because that habit of work after school is non-existent. I am sure as a parent that you would rather see your child suffer very little now (elementary and middle school) versus suffering much more later (college and beyond).
    If you had been my mother at 16 or 17? The primary this is, you weren’t. So you do not understand two things that defined my teenage years. 1- I did not lose social skills nor healthy lifestyle habits. I ran a marathon when I was a Junior in high school. I also maintained a healthy relationship throughout high school and college. 2- I was driven. My mom understood that I wanted to be a doctor more than anything, so she let me work.
    You say you are not prepared to let your child push away everything for the sake of work. My question is… what else is there? What could be so important to your children that It means compromising their future for it? I pushed away everything in high school that I wouldn’t use in the future. That list is very short: entertainment. I still had time to see my friends once in a while. I maintained healthy relationships with my family and friends. I stayed very physically fit. I gave up: video games and TV. Not a bad trade.
    To say that I love homework and hate children’s free time is completely absurd, if you chose to take it that way. I respect what homework was designed to do, and I feel that a small portion (2-3 hours) of homework is not a bad thing like everyone seems to believe.


  12. First, thank you for taking the time to respond. My perspective on schooling is different from yours probably because I’m a parent. In my 20’s after 7 years of university, I had your perspective. But things change. No, I do not implicity trust teachers to prepare my child for college because I do not see that as their role. Some educators believe that college begins in Kindergarten…I very much do not support that view. And yes, I am in a terrific bind, because it’s pretty much accepted in North America that the only sign of success after 12 years of public schooling is entrance into a college or university. What about teaching a love of learning? What about teaching life skills? What about the arts? What about teachers being resources instead of controllers of behaviour?

    You are studying medicine and you have clear career goals for yourself. But not everyone is going to be a doctor. Not everyone is going to college. The expectation that everyone do hours of academic study in preparation for college is unrealistic. Repetition and regurgitation are one way to learn, but not the only way. It demotivates a significant proportion of youths who end up dropping out. They were entitled to some sort of benefit from school too, but because they are not interested in being college professors, they have no place in school. If the purpose of school was to prepare people for life, and all its aspects, not just academics, I submit we’d have less unemployment and a better prepared population.

    The studies done on homework, by the way, indicate that it has no effect on achievement in the younger grades and only a small correlation with achievement on tests in the high school years. Harris Cooper and Alfie Kohn are the resources for that data, as both have either conducted meta analyses, or reviewed them. And as to it being a habit to be cultivated….I can think of other ways to instill self discipline that are more relevant.

    “My question is… what else is there? What could be so important to your children that It means compromising their future for it?”

    So if I don’t train my child to do homework, she’ll amount to nothing? Heard that before, mostly from some teachers on this site. We have seen a teacher say once that children need to learn to do things even if they don’t make any sense. What? The impression I’m left with is that obedience is what needs to be instilled in order to be successful, and I simply don’t agree. Homework serves no useful purpose and is a worn out habit from the industrial age that we just can’t seem to let go of.


  13. I understand that you are a parent, yet I fail to see how that changes one’s opinion on education. My parents share my opinion on homework, and so do almost every parent I’ve spoken to (uncles, aunts, friends, friends’ parents, fellow students, professors, doctors, and nurses). No one sees it as a threat to the lives of their children. In fact, these people all push their children for success, and all of their children are happy.

    You don’t trust teachers to prepare your children for college? So then what are they there for? At the end of the day, they are the driving force of your children’s education. So then what do you see as their role? I fail to see exactly what educators are other than the engines of education. Once again, I think you are over-exaggerating. I’m sure no teacher feels that a college education begins at the kindergarten level. What teachers do feel is the habit of hard work should begin as soon as the child starts school. Hard work is not the same as college. Hard work is much more useful and is the best life lesson one can get from school.

    You mention the love of learning and life skills being diminished by homework. What about hard work? I have learned that when you find what you love to do, pursue it. But until then, the most helpful thing you can do is work hard. As a current student, I must say that hard work is definitely far more helpful both in and out of school than anything else; homework reinforces hard work. Why do you think homework exists? It helps reinforce information as well as creating a mindset of hard work that is extremely valuable whether one goes to college or not.

    I am not expecting those who do not wish to pursue medicine or other advanced fields to spend hours upon hours on academic study, but I don’t feel that those students should have no academic requirements at all. How is that helping them? I put extra work on myself to be where I am. Just because you do not want to have an advanced degree does not mean that you are not required to do any work. Hard work, as most educators and psychologists would agree, is easily the most important life skill one can have. Without it, no one would go anywhere. And what cultivates that hard work? Dreaded homework.

    As for your mentioned studies, you said that there is only a small correlation between homework in younger grades and success in high school. Yet my main argument was that the homework showed the most correlation in college. Yet this study failed to mention anything about that… Interesting…

    And on to your last paragraph. The real threat is not that your child will not do homework, but that your child will not be prepared to work hard in college or at a job. Not your child specifically, of course. And the teacher telling students to learn things that don’t make sense? Yeah, because children never learn anything new. If a child were to learn a new math concept, of course it wouldn’t make any sense to him/her.
    Also, you mentioned that it seems to you that students must be obedient in order to be successful. Interesting. Don’t your children have to be obedient to you in order to have a peaceful family time? But then again, are we mistaking trust for obedience. I think we are. You feel that our children must be “obedient” to the rules in order to be successful. Maybe it’s that our children must trust educators to obtain success…

    And since you ended with a simple mission statement, I guess I will as well:

    Homework is a simple daily assignment that is assigned to reinforce learned material and to instill efficient work habits. This “revolution” is a silly game in which the creators are acting as “homework heros” trying to gain popularity with (philosophically) nearsighted kids and parents who cringe at the thought of hard work and accomplishment. The idea of their children doing work after class somehow bothers them, and they feel that a little work now is just a waste of time. These people look down on the world’s idea of success, and feel as if they deserve less work than everyone else for whatever reason. Maybe we should work harder and do our homework (pun intended). Maybe then we can try to handle our little homework dilemma.


  14. In your postings, thedevilsadvocate, you make the case for work being the most important thing in life. If indeed the work is fulfilling and you are doing what you love, yes work can account for a significant proportion of happiness. But not all.

    But you are indicating that learning to work is also the mainstay of childhood and that the only way one could possibly learn to work hard is by applying one’s self in school. To me this is a very limited view of children. Children are so much more than school pupils. There are millions of children who are homeschooled, or who never attend formal education of any kind and they somehow learn how to work.

    I know there are many people who don’t give homework and the lives of children a second thought….it’s a natural thing to them that children go to school and they do homework. That’s the way it’s always been and they see no reason for it to change.

    But there are many parents who question what goes on in their childrens’ schools.. When I’m confronted with things that don’t make sense, like extra school work at home for 7 and 8 year olds, I look for sense. So far I haven’t found any. Moreover, I would prefer my child learn to question everything as well. It will take her much further in life than compliance and obedience will. If we never strive for something different we will never have anything different.

    Our two camps will exist a while longer….I know many parents who believe in the value of homework. Their children don’t seem any different from mine, who doesn’t do any. I guess we’ll just have to see what happens in the end.


  15. Where in my postings did I say the most important thing in life is work? I said that the. hard work is the most Important thing one can learn in school. Everyone I went to college and medical school with would agree… Hard work is the most important thing students can learn in school. Please don’t take my ideas out of context. Thanks.

    In your next statement, you again take my ideas and statements out of context. I never said that work is or should be a mainstay of childhood. I simply argue that your ideal that children must not do any work beyond the required school hours is extremely detrimental to our children, far more than an hour of homework a night. And that hour of homework (or in many cases, less) does not turn children from fun-loving, curious kids into stressed-out miniature adults. Again, I think you are over exaggerating.

    “millions of children are homeschooled, or who never attend formal education of any kind and somehow they learn how to work.” Alright, I have several issues with this quote. First off, of course millions of children are homeschooled, meaning that homework is required (hence the word “home” in both words). I think you are missing the fact that homeschooled children actually have to follow a standard course of study set by the state, and must take a state issued exam to continue to the next level. These children often times get more work than our public schools give. (my source: my roommate at Stanford was homeschooled for 7 years). My second problem is, naturally, the second part of that statement. Children who do not attend formal education… You do realize that it is illegal to not send your children to school in most westernized countries, right? And even homeschooling parents must contact their county school board in order to homeschool their children. And in the countries and without these laws: there are no child labor laws, so children still learn hard work.

    It’s interesting that you mention sense. It seems to make sense to me that our schools encourage and cultivate a mindset of hard work to achieve success. The reason we have our 7-8 year old children do a small bit of work after school hours is to help create that mindset. Once again, you are mistaking obedience for trust. I am all for questioning authority, it has gotten me in trouble on several occasions. But I have one question for you. You said a couple of posts ago that you followed authority and ended up regretting it. So then how do you know disobedience takes one farther than trusting a proven system if you have not experienced it first hand? Were you lying? Or are you trusting outside, unknown sources that tell you that trying to defy a good system means something?

    Again, mission statements…

    My previous closing statement holds true. Again we are just seeing people masquerading as heros, corralling support of people looking for a quick solution. These people just refuse to accept that there is a reason for homework and school. You say that you see no difference between your child and those who do homework. You are a perfect example of the above category. You see no immediate problems with not doing homework, do you just assume that it is a waste.


  16. Believe me, I wish there was a quick solution to the many problems families experience with homework.

    As I said at the end of my last post, we’ll have to agree to disagree.


  17. I must say that I completely agree with “thedevilsadvocate”. I am a 23 year old student at MIT, on my way to getting my PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and let me say that college would have been a living hell if I had not been so studious in my high school years. High school is a stepping-stone into college; if it is not properly utilized, I can say without a doubt that a student will not be as successful as they would have been if they had chosen to make the most out of their high school career. I know that they long hours may seem like a lot but we must remember that this is what the real world is going to be like. Would you like your child to be living in a fantasy world and then be in for a cruel awakening once they enter college? Also, once they get a job, they will be under constant pressure to meet certain deadlines and sometime all-nighters will be the only way that they can successfully meet these dates. This is exactly what schoolwork teaches children – how to complete a task in a timely manner and then submit it when it is due. This is a skill that can’t be enforced, though. Repetition is key and that is what our school system currently provides us. Maybe we should also look to other countries where our jobs are getting outsourced to. Why don’t we have jobs anymore and they do? That is because of their rigorous school curriculum that enforces vital skills in them that, apparently, we want to get rid of.


  18. In response to “psychmom”,
    Such as? No family that I have ever encountered has ever had family trouble arising from homework. Also, what is the point of a quick solution if it makes things worse in the future. I would compare banning homework to a smoking addiction. At first you experience an initial wave of relief. But five to ten years from now, you and everyone around you will agree it is the worst thing you have ever done. Why would you ruin the lives of this and the next generation? 

    I understand that you wish to agree to disagree, but you are advocating for an action that I fundamentally oppose, and I intend on fighting it. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

    To “patriot”,
    Thank you! You covered what I have been trying to say perfectly.


  19. Well “Psychmom”, I am waiting anxiously and am very interested in hearing your explanation about how exactly homework tears families apart…. And I wish, for anyone else who is willing, to please tell me why banning homework is such an important thing to do.


  20. thedevil’sadvocate writes: “I think you are missing the fact that homeschooled children actually have to follow a standard course of study set by the state and must take a state issued exam to continue to the next level….”

    Completely incorrect. Remember that homeschool laws vary by state. Perhaps your Stanford friend had this experience but the statement is largely false and misleading. In my state, we did not “have to follow a standard course of study set by the state.” All that my state required for me to begin was to submit an NOI (Notice of Intent) where I spelled out our goals and mission for the year.

    You continue: ” must take a state issued exam to continue to the next level.” Yes, there was a test at the conclusion of our sabbatical but it was a test of our choosing and not necessarily a state issued exam. We could have done the SAT if we chose. Instead I submitted test results of a selective magnet high school my daughter was accepted into. I also had the option of a portfolio in lieu of a test.

    That said, our homeschool program was far more intense and conceptual than anything my daughter would have gotten in school. For one year, we chucked the “rigor” and compliance for some real learning, imagination, joy, creativity and knowledge. Hard work? You bet! But I didn’t have to hit her relentlessly over the head with it and she didn’t have to sacrifice sleep for learning.

    With our shoestring budget, I was able to accomplish so much more than the school, with its infinitely greater resources and cash. And we learned a valuable lesson. We were able to do twice as much in half the time.

    Without busy work that gobbled up every single afternoon, evening, weekends and holidays, we freed up countless hours for play, reading, discussions, hikes, culture and more and more and more learning. If only I could have recouped my public school tax dollars. Because I wound up paying twice.


  21. Interesting. First off, thank you for replying! I was getting worried that no one would respond. My roommate from Stanford was brought up in Georgia. I actually did a bit of research and found some very interesting material. I would like my findings to be said for me by the following sources:
    (click on the “Home Schooling as an Alternative to Public School Education” tab)

    The above sources basically say that standardized testing similar to that given in school is issued, by law, to all homeschoolers. I also find it interesting that my statement is “largely false and misleading” based on the argument that your one state did not enforce it. Almost every, if not every state in the US has some sort of Compulsory Education act, requiring that children under the age of 16 must receive an education either by the state, or by an institution that has the necessary facilities to be considered a school, that provides equal education. Here is an excerpt from an article regarding legislation for most states:

    “Once a home school is considered by state statute or CASE LAW to be a school, it must comply with regulations to insure that students taught at home have an equivalent education. First, many states require parents to notify appropriate authorities, often the local school superintendent, of their intention to instruct their children at home. At this point, some states also make it mandatory for parents to obtain approval from designated local officials of the content of their curriculum and other aspects of how they will teach before they begin instructing their children. Some home school parents have gone to court claiming these officials are not objective in assessing home school programs because public school funding is often determined by the number of students enrolled. The courts have rejected these claims because of the difficulty in proving school officials’ BIAS caused their negative decisions and the deference courts give to decisions of administrative officials.
    The second requirement home schools face is that they must meet the time or durational requirements as well as at a minimum for their curriculum teach a list of designated subjects. They must do so according to the standards applied to public schools or by those required of home schools.
    Third, a number of states require the parent to be certified as a teacher. When parents home school for religious reasons and challenge such laws in court as interfering with their religious practices, the courts have decided to uphold such laws. The courts side with the state officials because they believe the interest of the state in education outweighs the burden on religious practices. The courts contend that if parents do not meet the certification requirements public school teachers are subject to, they are unable to meet the burden of proof of showing they are able to provide an equivalent education as required by state law and regulation.
    Fourth, state regulations often require the progress of the students instructed at home to be measured by standardized tests that are widely recognized as valid indicators. The tests must be taken at designated times in the student’s studies. In some jurisdictions, the parents must maintain a portfolio of their children’s work that is evaluated by state certified teachers.
    In addition to these requirements, home schools are subject in some states to visits by state officials to assess the quality of the instruction. This practice is considered permissible by the courts so long as the visits do not hinder parents’ efforts to instruct and that these appearances do not occur often. If parents do not wish to consent to these visits, they are given in some jurisdictions the option of going to court to convince a judge an equivalent education is being given”

    I know this is a very long excerpt, and I apologize, but this outlines the homeschooling practices and regulation in most states. Maybe not yours. But most. And as a side note, the SAT is not a state given test. In fact, its not even nationally administered. It is administered by a private company: the Collegeboard. It is not a required test. My friend got into Princeton without it.

    You see, your last three paragraphs bring up a very interesting point. If it works so well, why doesn’t everyone do it? More education, more free time, less stress… everything is fine and dandy. But not everyone can afford the money or time to educate a child at home. I understand that it worked very well for you, but it may not work for everyone else. And not everyone can homeschool their child. You had the time and the apparent compliance to allow for your child to become ready for future challenges.

    But unfortunately, our public, and even private, schools do not have the time or compliance to achieve what you did. Kudos. Once again, just because it worked for you, doesn’t mean that it will miraculously fix every education problem.

    Once again, on a side note, I do appreciate your post, and I am glad to see someone challenge my statements. Truly. But I am hesitant to say that this is connected to the topic which was at hand (banning homework). I saw no statements about that. When you (hopefully) reply, I am eager to find out how your above post ties into banning homework for every single student. Thanks!




  23. your homework is to go and do 10 hours of finding about Isaac newton and type in your own words on a word document and the deadline is tomorrow


  24. as your parents we have both decided to forbid you doing homework and that homework is forbidden in this house


  25. I hate homework. But I do believe the issue is not homework, but time. If teachers don’t have the time to teach something, then Voila! Homework. We need a longer school day (this coming from a kid, mind you) and perhaps a “homework hall”. The problem is that homework is only review in one or two classes. In most of them, however, it’s just lessons that never got taught.




  27. Here is my personal opinion. I am in 11th grade. Don’t you feel like it’s an issue that you wake up at 5:30 and get ready for school and it starts at 7:30 then you are there for 7 hours then you go home and shower and do more homework and study and most of the time not eat dinner and go to bed whipped out at 9 because we are supposed to get “9 hours of sleep” says the school and you’re so tired from doing so much work and homework just becomes your whole life and you can’t ever do anything else because it takes up a shit load of time. preparing us for jobs? last time I checked I don’t see my mom bringing home worksheets or joe bring home worksheets. last time I checked, homework doesn’t improve shit. it’s a known fact. scientists have studies that prove the amount of homework they give to students in this day and age has never been so much and it’s unnecessary. Students get sleep deprived and I know some kids who don’t eat dinner with their families anymore because they do homework and by the time they’re done they go to bed because it’s about 2-3am. What makes it worse is our school district is a mega try hard. We have the highest school average gpa’s in the US. top 100. Forcing your students to do homework and then yelling at them when they don’t for 1 time a marking period pisses everyone the fuck off. My parents say how I’m always in my room doing homework but haven’t ever tried speaking out. So here I am, homework should be an option. I understand studying, but that is optional. Homework is just a waste of time and stressful to about 99.9% of students no matter what grade.


  28. I HATE HOMEWORK!!!!!! It is a waste of time and a lot of kids(like myself) have after school activities so i get stressed out and sometimes i just wanna rip it up becuz its so annoying!!! i want homework to go away


  29. As a high school freshman (ninth grader) I can only say I hope so. I spend hours on homework I struggle to stay focused on each night, rarely remember anything I did in the morning, and end up in a constant rush to get everything done and still have time to do things I enjoy as a means of decompressing. Homework has done naught more than make me feel like an idiot and cause my grades to lower when I had to skip an assignment to save my sanity. I have actually self harmed while attempting to get homework done due to my massive drop in self esteem and mood. And what have I gained from it? Nothing I couldn’t have gained in class. In class a teacher can help a student who doesn’t understand what to do. At home there isn’t much a student can do to help themselves if the assignment is based on something specific to the teacher that the Internet couldn’t help with. I feel completely cheated because I’m expected to “get homework done before anything else” but also to be cheery and pleasant to everyone all the time. It’s simply not possible for someone as easily stressed out as me. Homework has not done anything to help me before, and I can’t see that it will anytime soon. The workload gets greater and the classes harder each year, which is a deadly combination when we’re talking about emotionally unstable teens who rely on a social life simply to get through each day. If I can’t see my friends for a long period of time I fall into a state of misery until I can talk to them or see them in person again. Homework is only making this something that happens more frequently. Not to mention I’m terrified of missing a day because then I have a completely unreasonable amount of work to get caught up on, even if I missed the class and don’t understand any of what was assigned. It’s abusive and emotionally damaging.


  30. Anon 239 is like me. I went to school with a cold for 3 weeks (and still I have it). I have ADHD, although medication shows my true intelligence. At home it wears off shortly after, and my teachers all say I’m capable. Being fairly shy/quiet, i only have a few good friends, so unlike Anon., I have no escape. To help explain my pain, a quote from a song (Tears for Fears). “And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad. The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had.” I need it to end.



    Im sorry, but homework is stupid. Im in high school, im not going to do that fucking shit.


  32. homework is a test of how well you paye attention in school so homwerk is nessarsary but i believe that is should but limmited to only a few worksheets a night.
    i am right now struggling through about 4hours of homework. and its all due tomarrow. fml


  33. I am a certified elementary school teacher and a mom. Trying to get my colleagues to assign meaningful homework is pretty much a lost cause, so I say ban it. My daughter came home with spelling homework. She was supposed to find 20 words in magazines and cut them out. What’s worse is that she already knows how to spell all of them. Maybe the teacher should do the assignment herself, and see how long it takes her. Unbelievable.


  34. Marisol, so glad to see a voice a reason in the educational world. Thank you for your comment!

    My daughter had to look up words,cut them out and paste them too. The problem with this task is it’s very time consuming, and for all the effort, not much educational value. And just like your child, mine knew all the words. So the teacher told her to keep looking for new words she didn’t know. My daughter would have been better off just reading the dictionary, something she enjoyed doing without all the arts and crafts and tedium.

    Our kids would be better off reading all afternoon. And writing a novel. Which is what I had to constantly coax her away from. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to get those years back. I’d yank her out in a heartbeat to homeschool. What fun and joy her education could have been. So much of it turned out to be slog.

    I eventually did pull my daughter out to homeschool but it was much later than I should have.


  35. I wouldn’t mind but it is normally useless crap like posters and booklets on crap we know, because it’s wanted for ‘display’.


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